On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <
siegfr...@gevatter.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Assuming you're talking about packaging: packages don't touch anything
> in user's home directories. They can [0] only install global
> configuration files (/etc) or explain how to do it in a README file
> (in /usr/share/doc/<pkgname>; maybe even include a script in the same
> directory or /usr/lib that the user can run to do the job).

Thanks. But how is it possible then, that I find configuration files in my
~/.fluxbox folder (like keys startup etc)?

What is the difference between a global configuration file and a
configuration file in the home folder? Ok, global means for all users, so
specific single user files will be placed in ~/ I guess...

Do you have an example of a script in /usr/lib and how are users able to run

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