Sakjur wrote:
> 2007/9/27, Eddie Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
>     Having read the submission by the Global Institute  (PDF)
>     <
>     >
>     and this scary bit of nonsense Linux to finally kill Windows'
>     <>(who wrote this - anybody
>     know?), I'm
>     wondering if Ubuntu-UK should add it's weight to this argument and
>     submit an 'informed' opinion to the debate.
>     What do we think about this proposal?
>     My personal, unbiased opinion (to be qualified later): Is "Yes! Yes!
>     Yes! Go for it, Yerp!!!!" but then I've always been the quiet type
>     :-)
>     Eddie
>     --
> <>
> Hey... EU is evil! They're just like USA! I don't like an United 
> States of Europe...
> And they also force a lot stupid things... they force our armies in 
> war "to defence the inhabitants..."
> The only good thing they ever done is the debate against Microsoft...
> Have you read that the second leader of EU would like EU to censor 
> some sentances... like: howto build bomb and so on..
> That's only my opinion...
> // Emil

I have no idea where you got the EU army thing from..........

There are loads of defensive pacts about, such as NATO (of which a large 
number of EU states are members) and the EU has had oversight in some 
operations but I don't think the EU can force anyone to go to war.... 
that's what individual countries Veto's are for.

Anyway, back to the point in hand..... I'd be completley for the OS 
being unbundled from sold machines, it should be an option however, with 
a manufacturer producing a set of disks specific to the machine (so Joe 
Average just has to pop one cd/dvd into a drive and then it sorts itself 
out, essentially having a Windows image, a Linux image, a *BSD image etc).
Otherwise installing an OS is not going to be a comfortable thing for an 
average user to do. It would also raise an interesting issue with Apple 
who only release their OS on their hardware.

-Matt Daubney


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