Ian Pascoe wrote:
> Hi-de-hi Campers
> With all the postings relating to home servers and small screens got me
> thinking.
> Is there such a thing as a diskless workstation that looks for all intents
> and purposes like a laptop, ie combined screen, keyboard and mouse pad,  but
> without HDD battery and other associated mobile type stuff?
> I've only ever found / seen those that look like a standard desktop
> installation, ie all seperate, but not combined.  Yes I realise I can get a
> second hand lappie and do this but I've never seen one from new - or maybe
> just haven't got the Google search criteria right ....
> Cheers
> E
If you just want a keyboard, trackball and monitor that you will wire 
into a pc, HP do make rackmount units but they are not cheap. If you are 
on about a dumb terminal type thing Igel and Wyse make boxs for this 
sort of purpose




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