Hi Ian,

On Thu, 2007-10-04 at 18:14 +0100, Ian Pascoe wrote:
> Hi y'all
> Before I ask for Popey's help to put this onto his Ideas Pool, I thought I'd
> run it by the list and see what your feed back was.
> Every year the Queen Alexandra College for the Blind in Birmingham runs an
> exhibition called Sight Village, which is the "leading" technology showcase
> for the bisually impaired and associated support groups throughout Europe -
> these groups being both Government bodies and local / national /
> international charities.

This sounds like a wonderful idea, this is exactly the kind of advocacy
projects we should be doing.

I would suggest we first look at exactly what needs to be produced, then
estimate actual costs.

> Putting cost aside for the stand for the moment, I need to:
> * get a loan of at least one laptop / desktop for the duration

I'm sure a few machines shouldn't be too difficult to obtain for a few

> * a supply of the then current distributions
> * an installation guide to Ubuntu with Assistive Technologies activated, in
> printed, braille and audio formats

There is _some_ documentation already written
[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/doc].  I'm sure we could work
with ubuntu-accessibility to produce the necessary documentation, as i'm
sure that team knows requirements better than most.

I wouldn't imagine producing braille format and auto dictation (via
Audio-CD) would be too difficult.  It's certainly something I can see
being mutually beneficial to the ubuntu-accessibility team aswell.

Do you happen to know how much it costs to register, to have a stand, at
this event?

Once we have a compiled list of costs, we can look into potential
fund-raising to cover the costs associated.

Kind Regards,
Dave Walker

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