
On Thu, 2007-10-04 at 20:57 +0000, STONE COLD wrote:

> I can get the theory test cd working fine via wine...but i cant get
> the hazard perception to work. i checked and the videos in the hazard
> perception cd are in mpg format which play fine in vlc.

What else is on it?

If you run this command:-

find /media/cdrom > ~/cdcontents.txt

(with the cdrom in the drive)

You'll get a file called cdcontents.txt in your home directory which
contains a list of all files on the disk. If we see that we can take a
guess at maybe how to get it running.

I would recommend you open that text file and _DONT_ email it to the
list if it's really big. Just paste it into our pastebin:-


And then reply to this mail with the link you get (there will be a
number on the end).


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