On Friday 05 October 2007 16:16:18 Peter Lewis wrote:
> On Friday 05 October 2007 15:40:38 andylockran wrote:
> > We had some fun on Wednesday night on IRC installing "Virtual Richard
> > Stallman" on our ubuntu boxes to see how many non-free products were
> > installed.
> >
> > Well, as it's a friday afternoon, and people are probably looking for
> > something to waste their time.. let's all take turns in uploading our
> > results.
> LOL, great stuff...
> > (If you haven't got it already, just : sudo apt-get install vrms, then
> > run vrms.
> >
> > Please append your results to the list below:
> andylockran - 15 non-free packages, 1.1% of 1381 installed packages.
> pete lewis - 28 non-free packages, 1.5% of 1893 installed packages.

Mark Fraser - 21 non-free packages, 1.3% of 1603 installed packages

Not sure what this means though:

   Non-free packages with status other than installed on rachael

opera                ( dei)  The Opera Web Browser
sun-java5-fonts      ( dei)  Lucida TrueType fonts (from the Sun JRE)
sun-java5-jre        ( dei)  Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (ar


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