Rob Beard wrote:
> Alec Wright wrote:
>> I've noticed recently that more hardware manufacturers are saying if
>> their hardware works with linux lately?
>> I can think of 3 examples:
>> 1GiB pen maxell drive form asda (£7, bargain!) about a week ago. It said
>> on the packet, "requires windows 98 or later, mac os (insert an
>> irrational number here) or linux 2.4"
>> My friend got a new d-link USB wireless gadget, also about a week ago.
>> It said on the box that it worked on linux. And work on linux it did.
>> My school got a new printer. They left a label on it which boasted all
>> of it's "exciting new features". One was "Postscript compatible - runs
>> on linux" and it had a picture of tux on it =] The ict staff still
>> insisted on plugging it into a windows computer though =[
>> Has anyone else noticed this?
> I've noticed it with one or two devices although not many yet but it's 
> promising to say the least.  I guess the thing to do is if you're after 
> some hardware, buy the hardware which says it's compatible with Linux 
> over something that doesn't say it is.
> Rob
Hi Rob, and Alec.

My 2GB PNY Stick said that it ran under linux too, so I use that for my 
Puppy Linux installation, mainly for when I'm out and about.

On a general note, I've noticed that since I've come back to the Linux 
community, the hardware support seems to be a lot better than back in 
the days when I was running Red Hat 9 (about four years ago now).

(The only annoying thing I have on the hardware front now is the fact 
that the mic on my all-in-one set that I bought as part of a Skype 
starter kit dosen't work, but for me, that's at least better than having 
no sound at all!)


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