Alan Pope wrote:
> 2008/12/16 Andrew Oakley <>:
>> This sounds like a broken xorg.conf file. Try running without an
>> xorg.conf file. Hardy and Intrepid should manage without one, and/or
>> automatically generate a new one for you. Then use the restricted
>> drivers utility System ->  Administration -> Hardware Drivers (NOT
>> ENVY!!!) to install drivers if required.
> You know envy is in the repo these days, and the author is not only a
> MOTU but is Featured Contributor on the hall of fame?
> Cheers,
> Al.
I was running compiz for a while but it seems running this breaks menus 
in open office and a few other apps, so if after installing and getting 
it working,  you don't have any menu text or dialog box text in 
Openoffice you have a clue to the cause,

Apart from that, compiz is really impresive, i can still enable with
system, preferences - appearance -
then visual effects tab,

Clicking none fixes the above problem until a patch or fix is released.  
You can still impress friends with it though.



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