On 07/03/13 19:20, Andrew Woodward wrote:
On Thu, 07 Mar 2013 16:49:37 +0000, Jim Price wrote:

I'm using Gnome terminal in Mythbuntu 12.04 and mouse-wheel scrolling
works fine for scrolling back and forward through terminal history, but
whenever I view a manpage, the mouse wheel no longer scrolls. I've
Googled, and discovered that man uses less to display the pages, but all
the things I've tried from Googling have failed to solve the issue. I've
tried setting options using the LESS environment variable, lesskey, and
played with the scrolling settings in Gnome terminal, but all to no
avail. The same issue happens in XFCE terminal, so I think it might be
something to do with less rather than the terminal used. Can anyone
suggest what might be happening here or does anyone know of a solution?

if you *have* to display the man page in a terminal, I can't help; but if
you don't mind displaying the results in a browser, have a look at

man -H[<browser>] or man --html[=<browser>]

It's on an ssh session to another machine. That doesn't mean I *have* to, but it is not as convenient as just bringing up the man page.



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