THE few reminding Tutsis  in the Eastern Part of the DRC are pretty much FINISH...gonna..not even Kagame will save them now...not when Museveni continues to arm the Lendu and  other rebel fighters in DRC (See AI Report) .


29 Hema Bodies Found

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New Vision (Kampala)

October 24, 2003
Posted to the web October 24, 2003


AT least 29 bodies of the Congolese Hema kidnapped on Monday, have been sighted on Lake Albert on the Uganda-DR Congo border, reports John Thawite.

One of the Hema kings, Mugenyi, said he suspected that the Hema militia group leader, Thomas Kasangaki, of the group loyal to PUSIC, (Party for Unity and Safeguard of Integratists in Congo) and his three escorts, were among the dead.

Mugenyi yesterday said others were civilian businessmen and women who were travelling to Kampala when the boat they were travelling in came under Lendu attack on Monday.

He said one of the victims had survived and swam ashore to Ntoroko on the Ugandan side. Mugenyi quoted the unidentified survivor as saying the boat was hit in the Semliki II area of the lake.

Mugenyi said this was the second major attack by Lendu. He said the Lendu recently ambushed and killed 10 people in the Hema controlled Kirundi area, on Boga road, less than three kilometres inside Congo.

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