.."miss critical thinker" there you go again bringing Kabaka into it. Have you ever thought of life without Kabaka Zakoomu?....Baganda will survive without a Kabaka, however our Kabaka is there and we love him...this issue has nothing to do with Kabaka...and please stop talking on behalf of Kabaka...i don't think he needs "thinkers" of your calibre.

People like you can't see beyond there noses..and are thus very dangerous. Have you Zakoomu ever sat down and analyzed the northern war "critically" (without thinking about Kabaka and Buganda) but as a person. Do you realize what could happen if UPDF suddenly pulled out of Uganda without any plan (as LRA spokes men Matek and Ochan are suggesting). Supposing Kony then strengthened his hold in the north (with bases) and then pushed further south eventually ending up in your beloved Buganda, do you think he would kiss you little Ganda toes and bow down before you and ask you "miss critical thinker" to take him to your royal Kabaka to pay homage? Have you taken time to analyze what this mans goals are let me state them for you "miss critical thinker"

1. He wants Uganda to be ruled by the ten commandments (you are moslem, so you are out)
2. He talks about a "Pure" Acholi tribe ruling Uganda (you are not an Acholi, so you are out)...besides which other leader talked about a so called "pure race" ruling Germany and the world..i hope you guessed him..HITLER...I hope you know about the life and times of Hitler "miss criticker thinker". I don't know how you look, maybe you might be lucky enough to look pretty before Kony's eyes and he may decide to make you one of his concubines (can't be a wife as a Muganda).
3. Have you been paying attention to the inhumane way he wages war, how he treats, his soldiers and captives, forcing mothers to pound their children to death and then making them eat the fleshy paste, making children pound the felow kids and then forcing them to eat the brains. Do you want such getting stronger that he is now. Have you ever sat down and wondered what Uganda and the region could easily turn into if a man like Kony increased his scope of influence and their were three, four or ten with this mind set?

Look what Kony stands for cannot, must not and should not be allowed to exist anywhere in the world talk less of Uganda....europeans are saying we should negotiate...but i bate you if the killing starts as in Rwanda, they are always the first to fly in their jets to evacuate their citizens. The talk and inquiries always come after the fact (as you see with the French)...when milliions have died then they set up tribunals for people like you to come explain how Kony may have abused you and you call that justice. They wont intervene to help a black man in need then because "it is not in there national interest", but it is in there national interest to give you third rate justice (for a third rate race). One day poeple like you will thank God for having a real critical thinker and a visionary at the helm of affairs in Uganda during a crisis period.

From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 16:33:59 -0800 (PST)


I think Musaazi's ideas are plainly stupid! He needs to learn the rules of the game.

I'm 100% sure that the Kabaka of Buganda knows what is happening to his subjects in the UPDF, especially those who are deployed in N.Uganda, DR.Congo, and S.Sudan.

The problem however is that he is also under direct Gun Control! He is at (indirect) Gun Point! That is why they are always reminding him to stay out of "politics". Obote/UPC introduced this to Buganda and Uganda at large! DeJa Vu

What do you think will happen, or what they will say if the Kabaka dared talked about these killings in the UPDF?? They will simply ask him where his generals are! And that if he is in the army, he needs to let them know! That if he wants to make comments about the army, he will need to join the army inorder to be granted the "power" to make such comments!

Remember, they told him to run for elections if he wanted to comment on 'powers'. What makes you people think that they (Mu7/Mov't) will not ask the Kabaka the same thing - to join the army, if he wants to comments on its actions??

Zakoomu M.

In a message dated 3/24/2004 6:26:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

When there is a war people die....Americans are dying in Iraq because there
is a war going on people die and unfortunately, soldiers die too, because
they are in the fore front....this story about Captain Kavuma being tried
wouldn't have meant a thing to Matek if it hadn't been a Muganda...as usual
Matek is working had to get the Kabaka's ear.....Museveni is killing
everybody in Uganda except Banyankole, Matek is trying to say.

Reading the New Vision (ever since the start of the "rebel" insurgency in Northern Uganda), one would think the UPDF are NOT dying in Great Number. New Vision tells us that one UPDF soldier died over here...two over here...three over there. e.t.c...the whole total of dead UPDF soldiers over 20 years of fighting Kony, according to the NEW Vision, is perhaps 20.

As to the notion that I am quote "Working hard to get the Kabaka's Ear", I would like to think that The Kabaka of Buganda is quiet a capable fellow .

Indeed, I believe, if I might add, he was born with and is a man of Intelligence. He se e "things" for himself. I need not work hard to get his ear.

The fact is his subjects are perishing in Yoweri Museveni inspired wars ..be it in Northern Uganda , DRC congo or Southern Sudan.

The latest I heard is that Southern Sudan presents a very very harsh condition in which to fight an illusive "enemy"... I hear UPDF troops do not even get even a drip of water down their throat, let alone the daily attacks of mosquitos, Mamba Snakes..

Matek ...

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state."

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister

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