Stop gossiping Rehema...give us some statitistics that show that Baganda soldiers were specially targeted to be laid off. Infact northern soldiers were laid off more than any other group...let us see some statitistics. Also show us some evidence that the laid off soldiers were never ever paid....stop the chat and give us some facts.

From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 18:26:47 -0800 (PST)


1st of all, Baganda soldiers were not forced into the army. He entered on free will. They did not know what is waiting for them ahead. They are just like any person who entered the army especially during Mu7's bush war to 'liberate' the country. Boy, they didn't what they were 'liberating'! Had they known, they would not have joined the army.
One of the Baganda soldiers who earlier found out what he had helped 'liberate' was immidiately assassinated. Do I have to remind you of him?? Okay, he is Dr. Lutaakome!

When UPDF was scaled down, can you tell me the ages of the soldiers who were laid off?? Besides scalling down the army, what other possible reason would lead to their lay offs??

Musaazi, I want to inform you that the soldiers who were laid off were older men & women (40yrs and above). These men were physically waring out, and many of them were forced to "retire". Many of these soldiers were laid off because the army commanders simply wanted to replace them with 'ghosts' so they can get the money. Did you even know about that?? Many of these soldiers were not paid for their services!

Can you imagine being laid off after months of no pay, then to find out in the local newspapers that there are 'ghosts' in the battalion you once belonged to?? And that the commander/general in charge of the battalion you once belonged to, who laid you off is infact being charged with having 'ghosts' in that battalion??

So, don't bring your nonsense to me that the majority of soldiers who were laid off were Banyankore. Banyankore are not laid off, they are promoted. Banyankore order for the killings of Baganda (and other Ugandans) soldiers, once the UPDF is in war-tone zones. It is either one kills or gets killed! Our Baganda (and other Ugandans) soldiers' lives are in danger!

Well, munange, you can live in fantasia by yourself. Some of us know what the truth is, and we shall continue to spread it to open ears.

Zakoomu M.

emmanuel musaazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rehema, either you are lying or you are confused, how can you say that
Baganda soldiers were pushed to go and fight in the north where they were
forced by Ankole soldiers to kill felow Baganda...that does not make any
sense whatsoever. If the Baganda don't want to be in the army then they
should get out...everybody knows that dying and killing comes with the
territory in the soldiering bussiness (that is an occupational
hazard)....and yes you either kill or be killed. This phenomenon is not just
unique to Ugandan soldiers, checkout all the wars that have happened in the
world; first/second world war, Korean war, Vietnam, Deseart storm etc.,
soldiers either kill or get killed, i'm sorry but that is the nature of war.

People on this forum should remember that not so long ago (when Uganda was
relatively at peace), UPDF was scaled down, as a matter of fact soldiers
were reluctantly laid off (most didn't want to leave). It is also a blatant
lie that Baganda soldiers are disproportionately sent to the war front. What
is your remedy then, more northerners should be sent to the war front, since
it is their people and their region where the conflict is or more banyankole
should be sent to the war front since the President is a from Ankole or the
number of Baganda soldiers should be reduced drastically so that less of
them have to die during a war (since you don't want any Muganda soldier
killed duing a war). Rehema you can't eat your cake and have it at the same

Once upon a time northerners dominated the army and southerners had it rough
(from Idi Amin days through to Obote II), then northern soldiers fought and
died (it wasn't an issue to you then). Now their are more southerners in the
army, which to me is fare since demographically their are more southerners
than northerners in Uganda, going by quotas. Well it is then obvious that in
the event of a war more southern soldiers will die, because they are more in
the army now, it doesn't matter whether the war is in Lira, Kitgum, Mbarara,
Bulemezi, Congo, or somewhere in Europe, those are the facts, if you want
less southern soldiers to die during a war, then cut down on the number of
soldiers from the south full stop.

>From: Rehema Mukooza
>Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 12:33:33 -0800 (PST)
>This business of sending Baganda Army men to the front lines has been
>taking place for along as in the early years of Museveni's dictatorship! I
>have friends who used to be in the army and some of them were sent to DR.
>Congo like 5-6yrs ago, and others to North Uganda. They can tell the story
>real well and as accurate as the saw the events taking place.
>They reported to me that Banyankole army men were treated as "supposed" to
>be the leaders at the top. Baganda army men were treated as supposed to do
>the dirty, bloody job. They even reported that there is a law/guideline
>that states that Banyankole are untouchable and above the law. Baganda
>army men were told to kill fellow Baganda and not to dare touch a
>Munyankole. These are facts!
>Most of these former army friends of mine simply ran out of the army. And
>I'm telling you that running out of the army is not an easy thing. Death
>could be involved! These people had to abandon family members and hide out
>in far places were the army could not possibly think they could be. Many
>of Baganda army men who leave the army as reported by my friends are
>usually killed! The news is usually reported to their families as friendly
>fire, killed by the rebels, disappeared, etc, and some are not reported at
>all, the army disowns and denies their services in the army.
>A particular friend who was sent to the North war-zone, particularly
>emphasized that the UPDF is the one that kills civilians. I was shocked!
>He told me that many men in the army are forced to kill people in the
>North. It is either you kill or get killed! Many Baganda men are killed
>over there and in any other area the UPDF sends its soldiers. He said that
>its Museveni and his Nyankore men's way of keeping the Baganda numbers low
>in the army. They are afraid that Baganda will take over due to their
>excellent performance in the operations carried out. That is the same way
>they treat people of other tribes, especially those who come from the
>North. They are in the same situation Baganda army men are in.
>The good thing is that my friends ran out of the army because they could
>not kill innocent civilians anymore, or kill fellow friends in the army.
>After a long time of hidding out, they returned back to their families and
>many of them moved to other places due to fear. The truth can not be
>denied. Museveni is a killer!
>Zakoomu M.
>dbbwanika db wrote:
>In support of Hon Jack Sabiiti on the massacre of service men by their
>employer we want a full investigation !
>Vice President H.E. Prof. Gilbert Bukenya
>Ministry of Justices Hon. Janet B. Mukwaya
>Ministry of Internal Affairs Hon.Dr.Ruhakana Rugunda
>Internal Affairs Hon. Dr. Kezimbira Miyingo
>Security Hon. Betty Akech
>The Democratic Party secretariat
>Conservative Party Secretariat
>Uganda Peoples Congress Secretariat
>The Free Movement Secretariat
>National Democrats Forum Secretariat
>Justice Forum Secretariat
>All Members of parliament
>Uganda human right commission
>The European Delegation in Uganda
>In the recent meeting in the suburbs of Kampala, Hon. Jack Sabiiti was
>quoted by the Uganda major radio station as having said that Baganda
>soldiers in the National Resistance Army were sent to Northern Uganda and
>However Hon. Jack Sabiiti was short of calling on Uganda parliament and the
>National Resistance Movement government to call a full investigation into
>the massacre of Uganda military service men by their employer the National
>resistance army.
>We in the democratic farmers workers alliance – Uganda (dfwa-u) therefore
>profoundly wish to call on all entities that this letter is addressed – to
>call on the parliament of Uganda, Uganda human right commission, the
>international criminal court and the European delegation in Uganda to start
>full investigations into what Hon. Sabiiti mentioned at the meeting.
>We take the issue as a very serious matter of grave concerned in the
>violation of personal human rights to which Uganda government is a
>signatory, to the security of individual soldiers in the army and the
>nation at large.
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