From this postings and the ones' before it,I think a number of us
just have reached a supersaturated state of our intellect and what
we see and read here represent a precipitation effects of this,i.e
plain stupidity!.
The Nazis are blamed for the Jewish holocaust that happened during
the second World War.They took the blame and "paid" the price.
Did and has that action stopped Anti-Semitism??.I say NO!,NO!,NO!.
On the contrary anti -Semitism is an the rise.Has it got to do anything
with NAZISM?.Not at all.
The problem lies with the people who have been the World's cry baby since the Holocaust not living within the realities of the World Geopolitical Developments.They have most often than not become Insular and forgotten to use their personal experiences/sufferings to
promote World Peace.
Does the same scenario obtain in Uganda/Buganda,I will say almost
The idea of explaining away every problem that many Ugandans have been accomplices to by invoking Obotes' name just shows how to this day,we have refused to accept our personal roles in the tragedies in Uganda.
This is no different from all the time blaming the British for the mess in Uganda.
If we have the knowledge of hindsight,education dictates that we show the difference!.
So,Rehema,where on this God's good earth is your purported critical thinking that oftentimes you peddle around.Are you in the category of those so called Supersaturated intellectuals who are unable to keep their supersaturated states and from the laws of Thermodynamics,they have to return to states where they are stable??.This return means for all the
problems they have contributed to,there is Obote to blame?.What a fuck ass!!!.
Thank you.

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
should I respond to this??
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 3:41 AM

Obote/UPC gave ground to this whole situation in Uganda today.  Let's be sensible enough to acknowledge that. Okay?  If Obote had not abolished Federalism and exiled the Kabakaship, Buganda would be a peaceful federal region, today.  If Obote had not abolished political parties, today Uganda would have a taste of mature multiparty democracy.
But let facts be told.  Obote/UPC killed multiparty democracy in its infancy.  He did the same to federalism in its infancy. 
The reason why the Kabaka is advising Baganda to join UPDF in great numbers is to acquire military training necessary for protection in case an enemy invades.   Especially since mchaka mchaka is not adequate enough.  Mchaka mchaka gives folks a false sense of "adequate skills/protection" somehow like the Arrow/Amuuka Boys, yet infact the skills are limited.  We all know what is happening to the Arrow/Amuuka Boys.  So, let's not even go there.  Okay?
However, the Kabaka will not advise any Muganda to go to the bush especially if the "bush" is to be located in Buganda.  Luweero taught us a lesson.  That's common sense.  The "bush" military training/warfare could be very disasterous to Buganda.  In the same way it has proved disasterous in Acholi.  We all know what Kaguta can do to the Baganda, the same he is doing to the Acholi.  Kaguta will set up false rebels to kill civilians, exactly as he is doing to the Acholi pretending to be killing the real rebels. 
Let me help you out with your questioning.  Make your question look more like this: Does the Kabaka want Baganda to be sent up north to fight and engage in operations?? = My answer is NO!  The Kabaka has over and over again called for peaceful resolution to the war, and an end to these wars in the great lakes region, that are slaughtering with them, his subjects.
Is the Kabaka silly in his observations and strategy?? = My answer is NO!  It is best to have low casualities than an open massacre carried out in Buganda, in the name of fighting rebels.  And if you took time to notice, you would find out that Baganda are decreasing in the army.  Is that a good or bad thing?? = My answer is that it's GOOD on one hand and BAD on another! 
But hey, what better strategy can you offer??  Don't even think of advising all Baganda to quit the army.  Some of them are just as blind and ignorant and they will not leave the army.  Maybe advise them to refuse going to operation areas.  But I'm also sure the Kabaka advises them on that one.  Either way, Buganda can not have it its way.  Something has got to give!  The goal is to have as few casualities as possible.
Zakoomu M.

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
But the same Kabaka has advised Baganda to join UPDF in great numbers, what explanation do you have on that?
Or sorry I forgot it is that Obote who makes him encourage them. Consider my question with drawn now that we have the answer.
Winnipeg- Canada
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:33 PM

I think Musaazi's ideas are plainly stupid!  He needs to learn the rules of the game.
I'm 100% sure that the Kabaka of Buganda knows what is happening to his subjects in the UPDF, especially those who are deployed in N.Uganda, DR.Congo, and S.Sudan. 
The problem however is that he is also under direct Gun Control!  He is at (indirect) Gun Point!  That is why they are always reminding him to stay out of "politics".  Obote/UPC introduced this to Buganda and Uganda at large!  DeJa Vu
What do you think will happen, or what they will say if the Kabaka dared talked about these killings in the UPDF??  They will simply ask him where his generals are!  And that if he is in the army, he needs to let them know!  That if he wants to make comments about the army, he will need to join the army inorder to be granted the "power" to make such comments!
Remember, they told him to run for elections if he wanted to comment on 'powers'.  What makes you people think that they (Mu7/Mov't) will not ask the Kabaka the same thing - to join the army, if he wants to comments on its actions??
Zakoomu M.

In a message dated 3/24/2004 6:26:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

When there is a war people die....Americans are dying in Iraq because there
is a war going on people die and unfortunately, soldiers die too, because
they are in the fore front....this story about Captain Kavuma being tried
wouldn't have meant a thing to Matek if it hadn't been a usual
Matek is working had to get the Kabaka's ear.....Museveni is killing
everybody in Uganda except Banyankole, Matek is trying to say.

Reading the New Vision (ever since the start of the "rebel" insurgency in  Northern Uganda), one would think the UPDF are  NOT dying in Great Number. New Vision tells us that one UPDF soldier died over here...two over here...three over there. e.t.c...the whole total of dead UPDF soldiers over 20 years of fighting Kony, according to the  NEW Vision, is perhaps 20.

As to the notion that  I am quote "Working  hard to get the Kabaka's Ear", I would like to think that The Kabaka of Buganda is quiet a capable fellow . 

Indeed, I believe, if I might add, he was born with and is a man of  Intelligence.  He se e "things" for himself. I need not work hard to get his ear.

The fact is his subjects are  perishing in Yoweri Museveni inspired wars it in Northern Uganda , DRC congo or Southern Sudan.

The latest I heard is that  Southern Sudan presents a very very harsh condition in which to fight an illusive "enemy"... I hear  UPDF troops  do not even get even a drip of water down their throat, let alone the daily attacks of mosquitos, Mamba Snakes..

Matek ...

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