Hahahaha, do not make me laugh!  "Oyo yedira ki, mwana wani, oyo munamawanga etc" is practiced by Northerners.  Recently these Northerners refused to apologize to Luwero people for the atrocities they committed on them.  The reason was because they are Baganda.  These Northerners apologized or burried the differences between themselves (Acholi, Langi, Teso) but they could not do the same to themselves.  You see with such kind of discrimination, do you really think Museveni is stupid??  He can deal with that nonsense real well and manipulate it to his own advantage.
Uganda has tribes and tribal identity is very alive.  We have Odwe who identifies himself as a Northerner.  Why do Northerners want to fit in in Buganda, anyway??  May I ask.  Why don't they like Southerners in the North and yet they want to come to the South??  This is the kind of nonsense and sillyness many Northerners feed on.  They are indeed living in a fantasia.  They panic whenever a Southerner buys land in the North.  Why??  Because our brothers and sisters in the North descriminate against tribes.  That's how they've have been in the past and I don't see them changing in the near future either. 
Edward is not what he is presenting himself to be to us.  That's the truth.  Odwe, you can make up stories of how you've meet this man and I don't give an ear to such lies.  Any fool can come here and try to convience me how he/she has met "Mulindwa".  And how "Mulindwa" never asked for his/her tribe.  I have had a different encounter of "Mulindwa" contrally to yours.  The first thing Edward ever asked me on this forum when I was new as my tribe.  He automatically tribalized me to the Kiganda tribe.  That's why I can not believe this lie of yours.  I am a critical thinker.  This nonsense can not work with me.  Try a new lie.
Uganda is diverse.  We have to accept that.  More Northerners are moving Southwards than Southerners moving North, in times of peace.  Why??  This is the kind of stupidity I will not tolerate.  Can the North survive without the South??  You need to have sense in your brain cells.  Uganda is tired of liars like you, that is why this country is stil backwards.
Zakoomu M.

joseph odwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


There are many other important things we should be focusing on instead of allowing ourselves to be diverted by the itellectually lost bunch, who have opted for such silyness in the absence of sound keen reasoning to any inteligent questions and points put to them. The questions and points to which they solicite by their obvious hunger for knowledge depicted through their utterances here on the forum. I happened to meet Mr. Mulindwa back in 2000 when he visted London Ontario from his base then in Toronto. Belief me he is what Uganda needs. He is one of those who have seen the wisdom in resisting the "oyo yedira ki, mwana wani, oyo munamawanga etc" bakward thinking that some regretably share to this day. In fact I don't remember Mulindwa having asked me as the tribe I belong to. After being introduced to him as a fellow Ugandan we got right into normal coversation that lead us to the brain storming about our country's herples situation. I must also admit that  during the discusion he opened my mind  so much as to what we could do as an individual and as a group to futher the cause of our motherland. Let's stop dweling on individualistic interests that tend divid our people along un-productive ventures. Anyone who advocates for any form of protectionistic approach to any issue would only be admitting the weakness of such product or in this case culture to trive by itself along side others. Fellow Ugandans who have sturbonly chosen to live in the oudated thinking and mindset which imprisons their productive reasoning capacity would rather hold the whole country in captivity than think anew. To those I say open your mind for new ideas and thinking please. Uganda can entertain divisionitic gosips any longer. We have an tremendous task to free our motherland at hand. To whose side are playing on such thinking and waste of energy or you'r at work?

>From: "aokwong-okumu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Ugandacom] Mulindwa is not Mulindwa! - is this a joke?
>Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 00:08:37 -0500
>    Mulindwa is MULINDWA, alive in the same skin I have known him in since September 1989 when I came to Toronto and met him. He has grown day and night, intellectually since the advent the world wide web. The unfortunate thing about UGANDANS is that they think and believe that one is educated only and only if he went into a class or lecture hall. It is a myopic belief, which those who have it and their classroom/lecture hall education think they have a right and only them can comment/analyse/prescribe to Uganda's political chaos. My brother Mulindwa gooo on, make their blood boil with your incisive questions and commentry. May Allah sharpen your mind and make it more potent!.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Edward Mulindwa
>   Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:30 PM
>   Subject: [Ugandacom] Mulindwa is not Mulindwa! - is this a joke?
>   Rehema Mukooza
>   Even if we were to post our identification on this forum/forums, it does not take away the serious questions I and many Baganda out there are asking. Whether Mulindwa is fake or not fake it dos not take away the questions that face federalists today that they have refused to answer all along, for my asking them today does not mean it is the first time they have showed up.
>   This is not about taking Mulindwa serious or not, this is to help Ugandans especially Baganda who are having their entire future decided by interest groups, under all sorts of names, in the name of working for interests of Muganda. And the list is huge, so is Kiiza Besigye, so are the federalists, so is NRM, so is KY. and the list can go on and on. In the process, Baganda as a people have never had a chance to make their feelings known, Buganda's politics is dictatorial right from Mengo. And my self as a muganda I am not worried about that for Mengo is a cultural institution, it can be as un elected as it wants.
>   But if you come to split up our nation, under the guise of federalism, surely that is political and we need a chance as Baganda to vote on it. If we can not vote on whether we prefer secession or federalism, then those and many more questions must be made public and answered. Can Buganda survive under federalism? If yes show us the numbers. That simple.
>   And I see no complication at all in that request, and I can add that a federalist like Simon Nume to refuse to answer those questions and he decides to hide under do not take Mulindwa serious, is just one of the unfortunate acts he has done in his posting/s. For you know what? History has never looked with happy eyes to any one who lies to masses. federalists stand up and tell us how we as Baganda will survive with out the rest of Uganda, and if you are saying that we will survive for the rest of Uganda will continue feeding us, or investing for us, show us the written agreements Mengo has done with those regions to that effect. Federalism is negotiation between regions. As Baganda we demand the federalists to show us the results of those negotiations before you split up our nation.
>   And any thing less than those two is a clear indication of how you decided to take Buganda out of Uganda with out the consent of Baganda , and with out full disclosure to us, that makes you the enemies of Buganda. And I hope and pray that you are not.
>   Now that you posted your comments to sites I am not a member I hope you will see it fit to post my response to the same as well.
>   Em
>    The Mulindwas Communication Group
>   "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>               Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>   "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     From: Rehema Mukooza
>     Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 8:11 PM
>     Subject: ugnet_: Mulindwa is not Mulindwa! - is this a joke?
>           Mulindwa:
>           You have two chances to tell us (me) the truth.  Are you really Mulindwa??  Who is the person behind and using the name "Edward Mulindwa"??  Are these accusations below true??
>           I guess they explain to me why "Mulindwa" was so quick to question my name, and he asked "who is using the name Rehema Mukooza?".  He asked Ssenyange.  Mulindwa must be used to using names that are not his.  Mulindwa is fake.  Otherwise, he needs to prove his real identity to me.
>           Zakoomu M.
>           ==============================================================
>           From:  Simon Nume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>           Date:  Tue Mar 30, 2004  6:39 am
>           Subject:  Re: [FedsNet] Buganda cannot survive in a federal Uganda
>                       ADVERTISEMENT
>           Prof Lugemwa
>           'Mulindwa Communications Group'  used to be made up of 'many' different people with only one objective: to bash Buganda.
>           It is therefore 'typical' of Mulindwa to pose as a Muganda who cares for Buganda to write his usual ignorant drivel.  'Mulindwa' is so fanatically  Buganda-phobic that nobody can take him seriously. He has been 'evicted' on some lists for this tendency.
>           Netters who were on Ugandanet about 7/8 years ago can still remember when 'Mulindwa'  was exposed in Toronto, and and  since then we all know who and what he is; that he is not what he pretends to be.
>           Nume
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