  Seriously we are a bunch of nothings! 
  Do Moslems in Uganda know the meaning of Arabic words they use in preyers?
  Wuhalla wakubar!! Hehehehe.
  Can they tell us what that means?
  Don't get me wrong. I love Congolese songs very much, but I don't even 
understand a word! But at least Congolese language is African.
  Now Preyer in Arabic for non Arabs who don't even speak the language??
  That unfortunately is how far removed Africans are from reality!!
  Ever wondered why we are in a such a mess?

Jean Paul Mivumba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  You can even look at yourself as an example. Because you are a Presidential 
Assistant, it was difficult for you to communicate to your fellow Baganda in 
Ttabamiruka. Is that not so, Aisha ?

Because there is variance between what her boss is for and Buganda's 
Moslems pray  in Arabic. Is that Arab imperialism?

  On 10/17/07, Kassim Mutabazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     Aisha,
  There are not only traces of history. There is a lot of it. Eastern Uganda 
was actually colonised by Baganda on the behalf of the British.  Reading and 
writing was taught in Luganda throughout the East. Christianity and Islam was 
taught in Luganda. 
  When I attended the burial of a Mugisu friend, the late Professor Wamukota, 
the Mugisu Bishop was preaching in Lumasaba but the Bible he was referring to 
was being read in Luganda. Even the hymm book was in Luganda . The mourners  
would to be instructed, in Lumasaba, to sing a hymm but the hymms were in 
Luganda. Talk of Ganda imperialism.  
  In Busoga it was in the late 1990's that a Lusoga Bible was written. The 
Muslims of Busoga are yet to get a Lusoga Qur'an. They rely on the Luganda 
translation. More to that ,in many parts of the East,especially in the urban 
centers like Kamuli ,Iganga,Bugiri,Jinja, Busia, Tororo,Soroti,Mbale,Kumi, 
Kaberamaido and others ,Luganda is used as the business language. This puts the 
Baganda at an advantage in many things but, as I stated earlier, they have 
always missed opportunities because of being inward looking. 
  Whenever a Muganda tries to come up at the Uganda national level he will get 
disturbed by the clash between Buganda nationalism and Uganda nationalism. In 
most cases he/she is pulled down. The very prominemt example from history is 
Benedicto Kiwanuka of DP. He was supposed to be the leader of Uganda at 
independence but he was a victim of that clash. Many of those Baganda "big 
political office bearers'' are always put to task by Baganda for not using 
their posts to deliver " federo". Yet being politicians under NRM they simply 
have to toe the NRM line to avoid losing their jobs.
  Look at my brother Hussein Kyanjo. He is one man who has travelled all over 
Uganda, campaining for JEEMA . He is known all over Uganda, even if his party 
has not been winning, but when he went to parliament he proposed secession of 
Buganda. That shows that he has a narrow Ganda inward mindset. Do you expect 
that one to go to Mbale or Kaberamaido and get a good reception in the next 
election campains? The same applies to his sister Betty Kamya. 
  You can even look at yourself as an example. Because you are a Presidential 
Assistant, it was difficult for you to communicate to your fellow Baganda in 
Ttabamiruka. Is that not so, Aisha ?

Aisha Kabanda < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I recall sometime back there was discussion on this 
forum about Buganda and her independence and my take
was that Buganda willingly surrendered her
independence to the British and therefore could not
blame anyone.

I however know for the fact that when Ssekabaka 
Muteesa wrote to the Whites who eventually come with
the gun, his intention was not to surrender his
sovereignty, but rather he was in search of
civilization that's why he requested for teachers. 
Muteesa's earlier interface with the Arabs had shown 
him that there could be things that could be learnt
from some other people.

When Hanington and his colleagues come to Buganda they
were surprised at the level of civilization exhibited
then, the system of governance and the social order 
were all superb. Surprisingly, the man could read and
write how many in other communities could? The
British used Baganda to govern other parts like Semei
Kakungulu in the East and Appolo Kivebulaaya in the
West because they were a little more civilized than
their counter parts. Traces of this history can still
be found in those regions because we can still find 
people using Luganda in churches were there is no
single muganda. I have a friend of mine who was
asking me means of some words in a prayer,
'Tumutendereze' which they say in their village church
but without knowing its meaning. Until recently, 
classes in lower primary section in Busoga, Bugweri,
Bugishu and other Eastern parts of the country were
conducted in Luganda. These are clear facts that show
that Buganda was a little a head of the others, may be 
with the exception of Bunyoro who remained an

I am however mindful of the fact that Buganda can no
longer be a point of reference. The environment
changed and Buganda failed to reposition her self in 
the changing environment in order to survive. "Enswa
ya kyuusa amaaso netutakyuusa nvubo" and that's the
big challenge of our generation. 

--- Ekissodde Ekissodde wrote:

> EM leka kumbuzabuza.I did not start this discussion 
> but remember,the statute of limitations does not
> apply to theft,roberry,confiscation et al.
> Edward Mulindwa wrote: 
> Ekissodde Ekissodde
> Now that is a stale request. 
> EM
> Toronto
> The Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
> "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 
> l'anarchie"
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Ekissodde Ekissodde 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 6:44 AM
> Subject: Re: Ugandans built Buganda?(Gook,OJ,EM)
> EM,substitute Entebbe old international airport
> for Entebbe International airport.I did not compile
> that list of assets,it was compiled by timbiti.We
> will not accept anybody trying to rewrite history.I
> stand by my argument and I am waiting for some proof
> that the rest of Uganda contributed to national
> taxes between 1900-1945.If you have any proof that
> the assets were built with borrowed money please 
> bring it.
  > Edward Mulindwa wrote:
> Ugandans
> Many of the infrastructures that were in Buganda
> were built on borrowed money not cash, and Uganda 
> had a debt which kept on being paid until way in
> Iddi Amin, I wonder if the money that was paying
> that debt was not from tax payers of Uganda. And did
> I see Ekissodde Ekissodde stating that among the 
> things built in Buganda by 1955 is Entebbe
> International Airport? Geez how did Amin that built
> it manage to build it by 1955?
> No I am not curious but wondering.
> EM
> Toronto
> The Mulindwas Communication Group 
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
> "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans
> l'anarchie"
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Ekissodde Ekissodde 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 9:00 PM 
> Subject: Re: Ugandans built Buganda?(Gook,OJ)
> OJ,there was no slave labour in Buganda after
> 1900.All the cheap labour you mention was paid using
> Baganda taxpayers money.If you have any proof that
> the rest of Uganda contributed to national taxes
> between 1900-1945 please bring it.My proof that
> Buganda paid taxes to the British is contained in
> the 1900 agreement which is readily available.Asking
> about why badokolo ended up in Buganda is
> diversionary and irrelevant.
> OJ,mine is not a defence,I am stating cold facts
> here. 

  > oryema johnson wrote:
> Ekissodde,
> In your defence of buganda building itself, do you
> take labour that was brought into Buganda from other 
> parts of the country into account? Why did Buganda
> end
> up with so many Badokoli from North? That was labour
> cheap as it was.
> You see, White America can argue that it built the 
> United States Economically. But what built American
> is
> black slave labour. To every coin, there are two
> sides, that is why they are spinned to decide who
> starts a match: Head or Tail. 
> OJ
> --- Ekissodde Ekissodde wrote:
> > For the record,the British were collecting taxes
> in
> > Buganda since 1900 after signing the 1900
> > agreement.The British only started collecting
> taxes
> > in the rest of Uganda after the Second world war 
> > 1945.The major assets that Ndugu talks about
> > 
> > "This explains why most of the key national
> > installations such as State House, Parliament,
> > government ministry headquarters, public 
> > institutions of higher learning including Makerere
> > and Kyambogo universities, Mulago Hospital,
> National
> > Medical Stores, Entebbe International Airport are
> > all in Buganda. " 
> > 
> > All these assets had been built by 1955 using
> > Baganda taxpayers money.These assets are located
> in
> > Buganda becoz they were built using Baganda tax
> > payers money not becoz of any favouritism as
> Baganda
> > bashers are fond of saying.
> > 
> > gook makanga wrote:
> > .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } 
> > body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; 
> > FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma } Ugandans built
> > Buganda Paul Timbiti lplunged into a bout of
> > laughter when I read Fr Kanyike's article: Develop
> > Your Areas Like Buganda Did, (The Weekly Observer, 
> > September 27 ). The simplicity with which he
> > presents his arguments is irrevocably disgusting. 
> > He says that Buganda experienced self development
> > and civilisation, and therefore other tribes 
> should
> > follow suit by developing their areas instead of
> > admiring to stay in Buganda.
> > This basically arrogant assertion is premised on
> the
> > fact that the government as usual has tried to 
> > execute its responsibilities by deciding to
> > temporarily settle the wandering Balaalo on
> > Buganda's soil (Kyankwanzi) after the Bagungu
> > resisted the move to have them herdsmen settled on
> > their land. 
> > Glancing into the course of history, it is
> > undeniably true that Buganda developed
> economically
> > and politically on Uganda's resources.
> > The 1900 Agreement was signed with the British 
> > colonial administrators consenting to grant
> Buganda
> > protection against its political enemies such as
> > Bunyoro and other neighbouring kingdoms.
> > Secondly, the agreement accorded Buganda a 
> freehold
> > land tenure (Mailo land). Basing on these 'solid'
> > achievements, Buganda chiefs under Kabaka Mutesa
> > willingly greased the wheels of colonialism and
> its
> > subsequent ills. 
> > They worked as gun and hut tax collectors, acted
> as
> > British colonial agents, and administrators in the
> > areas conquered by the colonialists. It is
> therefore
> > sadism and grotesque arrogance when Fr Kanyike 
> > claims that Buganda spread development and
> > civilisation to the rest of Uganda. Yet in reality
> > they sowed seeds of colonial sustenance that
> > variously sprouted to haunt this country to date. 
> > Buganda being at a geographical advantage (that's
> > being in the central), the taxes collected from
> all
> > over Uganda were used by the colonial
> administration
> > to establish the enabling concrete social, 
> political
> > and economic infrastructure for Uganda generally
> but
> > not for Buganda in particular. 
> > This infrastructure has for the past years been
> > enhanced by various governments and individual
> > developers, to date. This explains why most of the
> > key national installations such as State House,
> > Parliament, government ministry headquarters,
> public
> > institutions of higher learning including Makerere
> > and Kyambogo universities, Mulago Hospital,
> National
> > Medical Stores, Entebbe International Airport are
> > all in Buganda. 
> > As a result, since time immemorial, Ugandans have
> > moved from all areas to Buganda in search of
> > employment, business opportunities, education,

=== message truncated === 

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