*Slaughter in DRC*

Brothers and sisters,

As you may be aware, the Pentagon is behind warlord Laurent Nkunda.

He is protecting the mines where the slave-master is feverishly digging for
tantalum, Niobium, and all manner of strategic minerals in Eastern Congo.

In fact, even the so-called United Nations not only pays a fee to Nkunda
whenever UN planes land on airstrips in that area, but UN medical personnel
have been treating Nkunda's fighters who get injured while fighting the DRC

As you know, recently Kabila deployed troops and 'drove' Nkunda's Tutsi
forces from near the mines that produce these strategic minerals.

When the DRC forces arrived at Nkunda's HQs they found that every human
being in that small town had 'fled'.

It was a big trap.

As we speak, the DRC army in Eastern Congo has been wiped in the last day or

Of course behind Nkunda is Bechtel, *Harliburton*, the Pentagon etc....

The West has been killing us by using their Ugandan and Rwandese mercenary

A few days ago in Addis Ababa, Kabila to refused to turn up for a meeting
with Museveni and Condoleezza Rice. Now Museveni, Kagame and the West are
teaching him a lesson by wiping out his army !!

There may not be much we can do but it is important that we find out what
the extent of the slaughter that Museveni, Kagame etc.... are perpetrating
on our Congolese neighbours right now as we speak.

Sad indeed !!

Mitayo Potosi
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