On Mon Mar 23, 2015 at 08:23:30PM +0000, Gavin Henry wrote:
> Although looking at TTB EoFTTC products too.

We've used this a couple of times. It serves a niche well, but that niche 
isn't home broadband.

> We go through an aggregator for this. On BT WBC do you get charged
> 95th for traffic from the CPE to your NNI or do you pay for a big
> pipe? Using our BTW account I've downloaded their WBC and WBMC price
> lists and I've never seen anything like it! The xls is mental. Nothing
> like the SIP one.

Pass - we use an aggregator too :)

Simon Lockhart |   * Server Co-location * ADSL * Domain Registration *
   Director    |  * Domain & Web Hosting * Connectivity * Consultancy * 
  Bogons Ltd   | *  http://www.bogons.net/  *  Email: i...@bogons.net  * 

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