On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 08:48:40AM -0400, Stephen Kojoukhine wrote:

> As a side note, I'd like to heavily promote changing a line of code in
> install.pl:
>       # my $post_cmds = 'fdisk /delete /pri:1;fdisk /pri:4000;fdisk
> /activate:1';
>       ########### - I want to try and make this partition bigger, how
> about 8gb...
>       my $post_cmds = 'fdisk /delete /pri:1;fdisk /pri:8000;fdisk
> /activate:1';

The fdisk lines can also be set in the configuration files.  Look in 
install/site/sample-config.pl for details.

You can actually have this partition script customized per machine if you want 


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