
Thanks for the fast answer and for your time to make a change in the
script, I am looking forward for the svn change to apply it at my site

Anyway, I realised that the problem with the path is because the
setenv.pl script I used to change the path "look the sys and the user
path variable as a whole (probably)" and when it sets, the "not
permanent changes go permanent" :) Till I got no better solution, as a
workaround I will use resource kit's pathman (it would be great to
find a way around, because it is limited usage to the resource kit's
domain... anytime it can be changed)

keep up this great work anyway! :) thanks for it!

> Hello,

> I'm the author of appsonly.bat / appsonly.pl. You're right, appsonly.bat
> permanently sets the environment variables Z, Z_PATH, Z_USER to the 
> machine and so will leave "traces" on the machine. I'll look at the 
> scripts and try to fix this, result will be posted here and added to the
> SVN.

> Concerning the PATH variable, I do not think that appsonly will 
> permanently change it.

> ---snip---
> set path=%path%;%scriptdir%\bin
> setenv -m Z_USER %username%
> setenv -m Z_PATH %scriptdir%
> set Z_PATH=%scriptdir%
> setenv -m Z %Z%
> ---snip---

set -->> only affects current session, change will be gone after next reboot
setenv -m -->> permanent change

> Regards
> Gerhard

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