Hi Juan!
Definitely NO, I'm using Linux boot. I do not understand why you ask it?
Debian is my friend :) But at first try to install XP on experimental box
I have get error that I run out of space after extracting BTS driver pack.
I was found in my notes that how this issue was solved, and it is working!

Best regards

> tovis escribió:
>> Hi fiends!
>> Please correct the install/dosbin/install.pl row 681, from
>>   my $post_cmds = 'fdisk /delete /pri:1;fdisk /pri:4000;fdisk
>> /activate:1'
>> to
>>   my $post_cmds = 'fdisk /delete /pri:1;fdisk /pri:8000;fdisk
>> /activate:1'
>> and the problem is solved :) Now good enough place for a lot of drivers.
>> FwdTmp you right, at first stage 4G limit is real, but it is working :D
> are you using dosemu?

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