Hi Juan!
I think that extract the full BTS driver pack, is not such a good idea.
Extracted BTS driver pack need more then 1,5G - 7zip need less then 700M -
it is copied to the target system, and extracted under installation
process by windows installer - really time consuming - and installer them
self choose the right driver for hardware.
What is the new method? Do I need to select appropriate from the driver
pack? What about the text mode drivers - especially storage and NIC


> tovis escribió:
>> Hi again!
>> Another issue :( To install BTS driver pack we need larger disk space -
>> after partitioning, and formatting unattended gives only 4 G partition!
>> I can swear that it was solved some how! Some one remember it?
> extract your drivers under unattended/install/drivers
> they should be picket by the new automatic drivers facility..

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