Katherine Costello wrote:
>But, I think it is crazy to IMPOSE limits on people who bought their 
>homes with no expectation of limits beyond those that existed at 

Neil I. Lifson wrote:
>All zoning and L&I regulations change over time, no matter when you 
>buy a property.... The only way you can avoid changes in "limits 
>beyond those that existed at purchase" is to not buy property.

I think katherine is making her statement from the standpoint of a 
property buyer who, at the time of buying a property, doesn't expect 
the imposition of additional limits that don't yet exist (like 
historic designation) beyond existing limits (like zoning and L+I), 
while neil is making his statement from the standpoint of a property 
buyer who, at the time of buying a property, knows that limits (like 
historical designation and zoning and L+I) are in place and expects 
them to change over time. but I may be wrong. can anyone clarify this 
comparison between what seems to be two separate realities (one that 
assumes historic designation doesn't yet exist and one that assumes 
it's in place)?
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