The Sherrod incident is troublesome on many fronts.

Andrew Breitbart stated on NBC News that he deliberately posted that
mis-edited video as, "retribution for The Tea Party because of the NAACP's
comment that The Tea Party should check and distance itself from the racist
elements in the movement."  He wanted to "prove" the NAACP is racist.

Just because he felt like it, I guess.
The irony is he ended up proving that one false word from a White man with
dubious credibility had the power to unjustly affect the livelihood of an
African-American woman without due process, or no questions asked.

It's a textbook case on racism.

My biggest disappointment was with Ben Jealous and the NAACP rushing to
condemn Ms. Sherrod, knowing her history so quickly and playing into the
"white persons as victims of blacks card", that is the cornerstone of the
extreme right-wing movement.

Breitbart also showed since one false accusation by a White person against
an African-American and the subsequent reaction by the NAACP and The White
House Administration demonstrates clearly, that African-Americans have no
control over our lives; even if one of us is The President.  Racism is
prejudice with power to act on said targets of prejudice and affect the
quality of their lives.

On 7/22/10 9:40 AM, "Glenn moyer" <> wrote:

> Members of our listserv have had a great deal of experience, in past years,
> watching the straw man technique used against Ms. Sherrod of the USDA.
> (Cutting and pasting words out of context is used to completely change the
> intended meaning of the speaker.)
> Then, a barking cheese gang (Fox News) is ready to run amok with the created
> straw woman to make the initial lie into the big lie (see Goebbels description
> of the big lie).
> As in the Sherrod case, the creation of the straw man is usually done because
> the victims real meaning can not be defeated through logic and rational
> arguments!  The power of the deceiving gang and repitition of the lie is
> designed to overpower the individual victim, who has limited resources to
> fight back.  It is also a condescending technique against all citizens,
> designed to manipulate everyone, who might accept the lie.  (All of America
> was the target of the Sherrod lie, not merely Ms. Sherrod)
> When this deception technique is exposed and shown to be deliberate, citizens
> must completely reject those who originate and knowingly support the straw
> creation. Otherwise, like here in the district, some "community leaders" will
> employ the technique over and over.  This type of deception used against ACORN
> and Ms. Sherrod must not be ignored or swept under the rug, as was so often
> demanded in this district!
> Logic, rhetoric, and philosophy need to be brought back to the curriculum in
> American education!  Otherwise, this technique will continue to be used
> against all of us!
> Glenn
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