What troubled me most was that it was an artfully crafted lie. Journalists, more than anybody, should understand and respect the partiality of all who write. People are entitled to their opinions. But they are not entitled to lie in public, in a nasty way, solely to hurt other people. Even when such a deed is legally permitted, it is socially disgusting and shameful.

I agree with Rachel Maddow: broadcasts that are based on faked, crooked, doctored data aren't worthy of being printed. That's why editors call them "unprintable."

--Tony West

Amen, Wilma.

The NAACP thing is bizarre and sad because, institutionally, it had first-hand knowledge of what was actually said -- she was talking to them! But I am far more disappointed in the Obama administration. As her employer, as the federal government, it had far more of a duty to take a measured, rational approach. The fact that they just freaked out like a massive jellyfish at the prospect of the story appearing on Glenn Beck and acted with no independent investigation, no due process, is deeply, deeply disturbing.

As soon as I first started hearing the first peeps about this story (I've been very out-of-touch with the outside world the last few days), I thought, "Wow -- this sounds very ACORN-like." Then my husband informed me yesterday it was the same source. Huh. How 'bout that.

But, hey, what do I know -- I'm just a crazy commie lefty.


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