
Apparently other journalists agree with you:

On 7/22/10 11:54 PM, "Anthony West" <> wrote:

> What troubled me most was that it was an artfully crafted lie. Journalists,
> more than anybody, should understand and respect  the partiality of all who
> write. People are entitled to their opinions. But they are not entitled to lie
> in public, in a nasty way, solely to hurt other people. Even when such a deed
> is legally permitted, it is socially disgusting and shameful.
> I agree with Rachel Maddow: broadcasts that are based on faked, crooked,
> doctored data aren't worthy of being printed. That's why editors call them
> "unprintable."
> --Tony West
>>   Re: [UC] Sherrod, and straw man technique Amen, Wilma.
>> The NAACP thing is bizarre and sad because, institutionally, it had
>> first-hand knowledge of what was actually said ­ she was talking to them!
>> But I am far more disappointed in the Obama administration.  As her employer,
>> as the federal government, it had far more of a duty to take a measured,
>> rational approach.  The fact that they just freaked out like a massive
>> jellyfish at the prospect of the story appearing on Glenn Beck and acted with
>> no independent investigation, no due process, is deeply, deeply disturbing.
>> As soon as I first started hearing the first peeps about this story (I¹ve
>> been very out-of-touch with the outside world the last few days), I thought,
>> ³Wow ­ this sounds very ACORN-like.²  Then my husband informed me yesterday
>> it was the same source.  Huh.  How Œbout that.
>> But, hey, what do I know ­ I¹m just a crazy commie lefty.
>> Kimm

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