Hi all,

I setup a Slackware 11.0 box with SS 6.5.0 for a friend of mine last
year. Now he'd like me to upgrade it to 7.0. "Fine", I said, thinking
that this would be fairly easy. I've done it myself very recently on
Slackware 12.0, with no significant problems.

After over 2 hours of running around trying to satisfy various
dependancies and swearing at Perl, I'm still stumped by GD.

When I try to start slimserver.pl (with any options or with none), it
immediately chokes and says I don't have the GD module installed.
Nothing is written to the logfile.

It tells me to run "Bin/build-perl-modules.pl GD", which I do. This
then asks the usual questions and *immediately* says "All done!" and
exits. I've removed GD manually (deleting .pm files etc) and I've gone
through the CPAN make/make test/make install process repeatedly.

Everytime I get to make test, GD fails all of the tests. I have recent
versions of cairo, pango, libX11, libXpm and more. I tried to manually
compile fontconfig (no Slackware package that I could find) and that
fails with a cryptic error too.

Someone *please* tell me how to get GD working. This is driving me mad


Harry Bo
Harry Bo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7342
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=45968

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