I have the same problem on nevada 101 release;
# uname -a
SunOS deckard 5.11 snv_101 i86pc i386 i86pc

I have both XSAccessor modules installed;
# cpan
cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.7601)
ReadLine support enabled

cpan> i /XSAccessor/
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
Database was generated on Sat, 06 Dec 2008 20:28:45 GMT
Distribution    S/SM/SMUELLER/Class-XSAccessor-0.13.tar.gz
Distribution    S/SM/SMUELLER/Class-XSAccessor-Array-0.13.tar.gz
Module          Class::XSAccessor
Module          Class::XSAccessor::Array
4 items found

cpan> install Class::XSAccessor
Class::XSAccessor is up to date.

cpan> install Class::XSAccessor::Array
Class::XSAccessor::Array is up to date.

But the build modules script still fails;
# Bin/build-perl-modules.pl
Welcome to the Slim Devices perl module installer.

These packages are needed for SqueezeCenter to function.
You will need a C compiler (gcc), make, and perl installed.

You will need development libraries for MySQL. eg: libmysqlclient

You will need development libraries for expat. eg: libexpat1-dev

*** Ignore any warnings about AppConfig. ***

Please enter a perl binary to use (defaults to /usr/bin/perl)
This must be the same perl binary that you ran this program with -->
Please enter a directory to download files to --> /var/tmp
Downloads will use lwp to fetch tarballs.

Downloading Class-C3-XS-0.08.tar.gz to: /var/tmp
Something looks wrong - I couldn't read
/var/tmp/Class-C3-XS-0.08.tar.gz, which I just downloaded.
sh: Class-C3-XS-0.08.tar.gz: cannot open
tar: blocksize = 0
/usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL
Library for Class-C3-XS-0.08.tar.gz is OK!

Downloading Class-XSAccessor-Array-0.05.tar.gz to: /var/tmp
/usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL
"Array.xs", line 123: syntax error before or at: if
"Array.xs", line 123: syntax error before or at: :
"Array.xs", line 123: syntax error before or at: else
"Array.xs", line 123: cannot recover from previous errors
cc: acomp failed for Array.c
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `Array.o'
Can't stat blib: No such file or directory
at Bin/build-perl-modules.pl line 305
Couldn't find a valid dynamic library for
Class-XSAccessor-Array-0.05.tar.gz - something is wrong. Exiting!

I've been thrashing about with this on and off for weeks now but if I
make any progress I'll update this thread.

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