slackhead wrote: 
> After leaving it aside for a few days I returned to the Pi convinced
> that it must be possible to get it to play nicely. It was clear that
> there was an issue related to network activity and USB audio, so  I
> spent a couple of hours googling around and reading lots of posts, and
> lucked upon a post that suggested adding "smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N" to
> /boot/cmdline.txt, which should help stop the Ethernet driver grabbing
> all the USB bandwidth -   

Well, that's interesting.... You are using the Amanero, right. Still OK
at high bits rates? (With a few hacks, I could kind of get it to be
mostly glitch free <= 96k, but any higher and the drop-outs were
severe.) Have you tried 192k and 384k? Still good?

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