Thanks for the quick reply.

sbp wrote: 
> Could you please copy the content of your config.cfg file (shown on the
> "About" web-page).
Unfortunately, I've left it at my Dad's place and won't be back there
for a while, so I can't do this.

> Please try to remove the MAC address (just leave it empty - and then
> reboot using only wifi).
I did this but the bahaviour was the same. In fact, I only entered the
MAC address to see if it fixed the problem.

> When you reboot your raspberry without LAN cable - you say that you can
> see it in your router - have you observed that it now has a different IP
> number from when you were connected via LAN? It is this new IP-address
> you will need to use when you try to connect.
The router lists wired devices and wireless devices separately. I can
see both connections. They have different MAC addresses and different IP
addresses. Yes, I try the wireless IP address when I try to connect
(ping, piCorePlayer web interface, etc).

> Can you connect from another computer using putty and the new IP-address
> (wifi) also have you tried to connect via your browser using the new
> IP-address (wifi IP)?
There is only the one computer so I can't to this from any other
computer. However, I noticed exactly the same behaviour at my house
before I took it to my Dad's - different computer there. If I boot to
wireless (without ethernet), I can't ping, I can't ssh using putty and I
can't connect using the web interface. They all either time out or else
just sit without any response. If I then connect the ethernet cable, the
player magically appears in LMS and I can ping, ssh and connect via web
- even using the wireless IP and even after subsequently disconnecting
the ethernet cable again. Once the PC has "found" the wireless
connection, it doesn't lose it again until one or other machine is
switched off.



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