PCP 3.02 works really well.  I have upgraded all four of my RPi players
to 3.02.  Well worth it.  Thanks guys.

There is something I would love to see on PCP.  It is this.

Enable three RPi GPIO pins to give these functions:
1). Powered on
2). Switched on
3). Playing music

The first is easy and already exists. Pins 1 & 2 give +5V when the RPi
is powered up.  I know #2 can be done because my HiFiBerry has a little
green LED that switches on (+3.1V) when the LMS On button is pressed and
it goes out again when I switch Off.  This function works from Port 900
on the web interface from Windows 10 and from Squeeze Ctrl.   #3 is
what's missing.  If this could be provided then simply pressing Play
either in Squeeze Ctrl or in Windows could be mmade to click a relay and
power up my amplifier.  Equally pausing the music could be arranged,
after a suitable delay (3 -5 minutes) to drop the relay and power off
the amps.

I have already implemented this in hardware
and it works tolerably well.  The amp has an annoying tendency to swich
off in quiet passages of music when playing at low levels.  

If this could be implemented in PCP, I think it would be really useful.


*Server:* LMS 7.9 on RPi3 running Jessie
*Players:* RPi 2B, HiFiBerry DAC+ on PCP 3.02 (Whole-House, 300Watts RMS
8Ohm) + RPi 2B PCP 3.02 for SubBass (500Watts)
2xRPi 2B, 2 x Logitech Boom
2 x Logitech Radio  
*Control*: Amazon Dot, Android Squeeze Ctrl::::
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