thornton wrote: 
> Hi everybody, i am new here. I am using daphile and a squeezelite client
> on a raspi (raspbian) very happily.
> Now i wanted to install picoreplayer on a raspberry zero w. And i dont
> get it to work.
> What i did until now:
> Downloaded piCorePlayer3.20beta6.img 
> Burnt it to a ssd with Win32DiskImager
> Downloaded newconfig.cfg and changed it to the following content:
> #########################
> # Edit the variables below to setup a wifi based system without LAN
> access
> # Change Wifi to "on". Valid options for Encryption are "WEP", "WPA" or
> "OPEN" 
> WIFI="on"
> SSID="FB7362"
> PASSWORD="password"
> # End Wifi setup
> ##########################
> then copied the file to the pcp partition of the ssd.
> Put the card in the raspi zero w and powered it up.
> It is starting up, the led is blinking for a while, until its a
> unintermitted green light.
> But the raspi doesnt appear on my router.
> When i power it of and check the ssd, i see that newconfig.cfg
> disappeared / was deleted.
> Every help is very much appreciated. Thank you very much
> Andreas

Hi thornton,

It look like you are doing the right thing.

When you first power up it will go through a couple of reboots. I wonder
if you let it complete its final boot? This will take more than a minute
or 2.

The next thing is, are the SSID and password correct?

Do they contain special characters?

Also, don't use a hidden SSID.

You might need to connect a monitor (and keyboard) to see what is

By default, your should see a player called "piCorePlayer" appear in


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