paul- wrote: 
> Without access to the hardware, it will be nearly impossible to work out
> support. I’ve addressed the asound.conf-alsaequal issue for the next
> release.
> Have you tried loading your modules before pCP starts?

Hi Paul,
Indeed I can not expect you to solve my problem, and if you can not
experience the issue first hand, debugging is quite difficult.
However the open source community is bigger than the 2 of us , and thus
might give us a helping hand.
But let me give it a start.

Loading the modules after boot time through : modprobe -r  and modprobe
is quite successful, and in pcp 3.20 regular has always worked for me.
Through a script started from the user commands in the tweak page it
worked 'OKE' but indeed squeezelight had to be restarted too, as it was
already started and without finding the soundcard(drivers).

If you can tell me how picore starts its system scripts , and where pcp
does tap in , I can do the tests with insertions.
I tried /etc/init.d/tc-config, but I do not think it is where pcp is
started, and I need to make it reboot proof.
If I can secure the module load before the aconf is generated and
squeezelite is started, we can test PCP as If the driver would have
started normally.
Most of the issues seem to be  caused by missing stuff at start up.

BTW starting the stuff manually does give me a working setup, both with
and without Alsa equal, and with and without disabled Rpi analogue

greetz M-H

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