Fortran, you(we) are dating ourselves Paul- :p How about Lisp, Ada,
Prolog, Pascal, and Modula-2? 

Thanks for helping getting me kicked off in the right direction, exactly
the info I was looking for.

bpa, I should have been more clear, not home automation, automation. My
bad. At the risk of getting laughed at, we have a cabin with a "billy
bass" hanging over the water closet. It's a favorite of guests. I was
originally thinking of just automating it to some personalized messages
("don't forget to wash your hands Steve"), but then I thought about
having it become an LMS actual player, synced with our cabin touch with
some mouth and tail automation. Here's some inspiration:

anyhow, it's just an initial thought. There are alot of people that have
already hacked it to develop the motion control. I have found that when
you want to learn something you should have an overly aggressive goal,
and allow yourself to settle for something simpler, allow it to evolve.
I figure it's alot better than just programming "hello world" then
thinking, what next? ;)


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