doggod wrote: 
> Yes issues are with Erland’s plugins and they are essential to me.
> Thanks to your comment I went back to the plugin page and noticed the
> “Use unsupported extensions” at the bottom so I ticked it. But only
> thing that happened was that Trackstat showed up (with warnings).  You
> say “they can be installed in LMS 8.1” … apart from Trackstat I really
> need Custom browse and scan, Custom clock helper, Dynamic playlist, SQL
> playlist aswell. I’ve this link >
> <
> pasted at the Additional Repositories. How can I get the other plugins
> installed in 8.1?
> Please see above for my problems. Well I really never had any serious
> problems with 7.9.2 (or .3) they’ve served me well so never had an urge
> to upgrade. Not sure how it works with the LMS install function in PcP
> but it seems like when one wants to add it then it downloads the
> “latest” version ie it’s not packaged in the ISO install, is that
> correctly understood? I’m asking since I was speculating in go back to
> square 1. But naturally that’s a waste of time if I’m correct which I
> think?
> Ok if you please can provide information then of how to get the plugins
> installed that I ask for from above in 8.1? 
> Then I would be happy to fiddle around with them and provide info how it
> goes and maybe set up a list. Just trackstat doesn’t relay cut it, so if
> that’s the only one it’s no use for me.
> @Michael, sorry about not asking in the appropriate form. I'm not very
> comfortabe with using forums. Please give an suggestion of how to carry
> on this discussion. (but for me I think this is more about PcP than LMS
> 8, it's a bit surprising that one suddenly can't go back to an earlier
> version of LMS in PcP)Maybe I just assumed they could be installed using the 
> new facility in

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