'4 wrote: 
> 4;1008830']Retrieving the PID is obviously not going to work, because
> the status message doesn't contain the PID. So I changed it into this:
> > 
  >   >  # determine cardname from squeezelite process id
  > local PID=$(ps ax | pgrep squeezelite)
  > local cardname=$(ps | grep $PID | awk -F CARD= {'print $2'} | awk -F , 
{'print $1'})
> > 
> I might also need to change the command to get the card name, but I
> don't have time right now to test it
It didn't work so had tp change it to:

    # determine card name from squeezelite process
  local cardname=$(ps ax | grep squeezelite | awk -F CARD= {'print $2'} | awk 
-F , {'print $1'})

In order to extract the card name from the squeezite process I also
needed to start sqeezelite with custum parameters by editting
Otherwise it would start it without the -o option.

  #Description=SqueezeLite (DietPi)
  ExecStart=/usr/bin/squeezelite -o hw:CARD=C20,DEV=0 -a 4096:8096:32:0 -C 5 -n 
"DietPi-Squeezelite" -f /var/log/squeezelite.log -D dop

This is the modified script for DietPi (dislaimer: not fully tested

  # Script to be used by udev rules that detect when a USB DAC is connected or 
  # in order to start or stop Squeezelite
  # $1 : is the script option: 'restart', 'stop', 'find' or 'make'
  # $2 : For 'restart' and 'stop', $2 is the kernel name ($kernel) that is 
generated by the udev event
  #      It is used to match a 'removed' USB device against the device assigned 
when the DAC was inserted
  #      For 'find' and 'make', $2 is the (CARD)name of the DAC, as used in the 
squeezelite command string.
  # The 'find' option is used at boot to detect which device the DAC is 
connected to,
  # in the case that the DAC is up before squeezelite attempts to start.
  # The 'make' option creates the udev rules file
  # Examples:
  # sqlite_control make DAC
  # This will create a rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d.
  # The rule number is curently fixed at 10, and the rule name will equal the 
card name; in this case 'DAC'
  # Run this once, manually from the command line.
  # sqlite_control find DAC
  # This will check whether the DAC is connected, and write its kernel id to 
  # This is intended to be used as a User Command, run at boot, so that the 
'stop' option knows which kernel id to look for.
  # sqlite_control restart $kernel and sqlite_control stop $kernel
  # (Re)start and stop squeezelite, respectively.
  # These two options are called by the udev rules in response to 'add' and 
'remove' events
  # They take the $kernel argument that is available when the udev rule is 
  # The associated udev rules are of the form:
  # SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="xxxx", 
ATTR{idProduct}=="xxxx", RUN+="/home/sqlite/sqlite_control.sh restart $kernel"
  # SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/home/sqlite/sqlite_control.sh 
stop $kernel"
  SQLITErestart() {
  local logfile=$1
  local attempts=5 # number of tries
  local interval=1 # interval between tries (seconds)
  local uptime
  local count=$attempts
  while [ "$(dietpi-services status squeezelite)" == *"inactive (dead)"* ]; do
  if [ $((count--)) -le 0 ]; then
  uptime=$(printf [%12s $(cat /proc/uptime | awk {'print $1'})])
  echo  "$uptime Squeezelite failed to initialize within $attempts attempts." 
>> $logfile
  exit 1
  uptime=$(printf [%12s $(cat /proc/uptime | awk {'print $1'})])
  echo  "$uptime Attempting to start squeezelite" >> $logfile
  dietpi-services restart squeezelite >> $logfile
  sleep $interval
  # determine cardname from squeezelite process
                local cardname=$(ps ax | grep squeezelite | awk -F CARD= 
{'print $2'} | awk -F , {'print $1'})
                sudo /usr/sbin/alsactl restore $cardname
  case $1 in
  restart ) # restart squeezelite when DAC is inserted/powered up
  # output the device '$kernel' name to a text file, so that it can be used to 
check against USB 'remove' events
  uptime=$(printf [%12s $(cat /proc/uptime | awk {'print $1'})])
  if [ -z $kername ]; then
  echo "$uptime DAC not detected" >> $logfile
  echo "$uptime DAC detected on $kername" >> $logfile
  echo $kername > /tmp/DAC_kername.txt
  SQLITErestart $logfile &
  stop ) # stop squeezelite when DAC is removed/powered down
  # compare $kernel device name to the one created by this script when the DAC 
was inserted/powered up
  startname=$(cat /tmp/DAC_kername.txt)
  if [ $stopname == $startname ]; then # stop squeezelite if names match
  uptime=$(printf [%12s $(cat /proc/uptime | awk {'print $1'})])
  echo "$uptime DAC on $stopname removed" >> $logfile
  dietpi-services stop squeezelite >> $logfile
  find ) # create the file with the kernel name
  # find Vendor and Product IDs for the DAC from the udev rules
  # name the rules file after the (CARD)name of the DAC
  idVendor=$(cat /$rulesfile | grep idVendor | awk -F idVendor {'print $2'} | 
awk -F \" {'print $2'})
  idProduct=$(cat /$rulesfile | grep idProduct | awk -F idProduct {'print $2'} 
| awk -F \" {'print $2'})
  uptime=$(printf [%12s $(cat /proc/uptime | awk {'print $1'})])
  echo "$uptime Searching for $cardname with idVendor=$idVendor and 
idProduct=$idProduct in dmesg" >> $logfile
  kername=$(dmesg | grep -m 1 "idVendor=$idVendor, idProduct=$idProduct" | awk 
-F usb {'print $2'} | awk -F : {'print $1'})
  # output the $kernel device name to a file for use when detecting 'removed' 
USB devices
  echo $kername > /tmp/DAC_kername.txt
  uptime=$(printf [%12s $(cat /proc/uptime | awk {'print $1'})])
  if [ -z $kername ]; then
  echo "$uptime $cardname not detected" >> $logfile
  echo "$uptime $cardname detected on $kername" >> $logfile
  sudo /usr/sbin/alsactl restore
  make ) # make the rules file
  # one command line parameter: the name of the 'CARD', as used in the 
squeezelite command line
  scriptfile=$(realpath $0)
  # look for cardname in /proc/asound/cards to determine card number
  cardno=$(cat /proc/asound/cards | grep -m 1 $cardname | awk {'print $1'})
  # extract idVendor and idProduct from /proc/asound/card<n>/usbid
  usbid=$(cat /proc/asound/card$cardno/usbid)
  idVendor=$(echo $usbid | awk -F: {'print $1'})
  idProduct=$(echo $usbid | awk -F: {'print $2'})
  # create udev rules
  rule_add='SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="'$idVendor'", 
ATTR{idProduct}=="'$idProduct'", RUN+="'$scriptfile'$
  rule_remove='SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="'$scriptfile' stop 
  # create rules file
  echo $rule_add > /$rulesfile
  echo $rule_remove >> /$rulesfile              

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