chill wrote: 
> Oh dear.  So it sounds like either the rules are no longer triggering or
> the script isn't doing what it's supposed to (I suspect the former).  I
> would suggest starting again with the most recent script and
> instructions (in 'post #89'
> (
> To clear up the previous attempt first, you'd need to delete the
> 10-DAC.rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d and remove it from
> /opt/.filetool.lst, and also remove the script files you created in your
> home directory.
> Apologies if that all sounds a bit drastic, but the later script
> includes more feedback in the log file, and I know better how to help if
> you start from a known point.  Without this step it could take a lot of
> back and forth to figure out what's going wrong.  At least the new
> script requires fewer steps to set up, and no editing!
> *EDIT: You will need to edit the script again in your case (in the
> 'stop' section), to prevent Squeezelite being stopped.

O.K...I'm certainly game to give it another go!  Will attempt to remove
those things and start over....I totally get your point about starting
from ground zero again.


System information
Main: RPI4B/PiCorePlayer/LMS> RPI4B/piCoreplayer/Squeezelite > USB>RME
ADI-2 DAC > Benchmark AHB2 > Revel Performa F208 speakers, 2X REL R-305

Home Theatre:  RPI4 B/HifiBerry Dac+ Pro>Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5
Classic 5.1.

LMS  8.1.0 - 1608700893 on RPI4B with 1tb Samsung T5 SSD.
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