chill wrote: 
> Yes, you should use DAC51892395 where I have used DAC.
> Thanks for the correction - good spot.

Also the same issue of dash vs. underline in steps 2 & 3.

Finally, I've gone through all of the steps, except I'm having a similar
issue with the backup.  I get this message:

[ INFO ] Backing up files to /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/mydata.tgz /

[ ERROR ] Show backup_status...

tar: home/tc/ No such file or directory tar: error exit delayed
from previous errors
[ ERROR ] Backup failed.

I've looked in /home/tc/ and no such file exists there so, as you
might expect, the 'sudo rm /home/tc/' command also fails.  Almost
seems like there's a phantom file lurking somewhere.  I'm afraid that if
I reboot pcp without the backup, everything I've just done will be lost.


System information
Main: RPI4B/PiCorePlayer/LMS> RPI4B/piCoreplayer/Squeezelite > USB>RME
ADI-2 DAC > Benchmark AHB2 > Revel Performa F208 speakers, 2X REL R-305

Home Theatre:  RPI4 B/HifiBerry Dac+ Pro>Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5
Classic 5.1.

LMS  8.1.0 - 1608700893 on RPI4B with 1tb Samsung T5 SSD.
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