Muele wrote: 
> I do actually think my router has two USB ports, so I might be able to
> work something out with that. 

I used to use an HDD plugged into a USB port on my router, but found it
too slow and clunky (but routers may vary, I guess).

> But for now i see no reason to not just use cPC for both fileserver and
> LMS. My only concern is that file throughput might be too small for some
> movies. But time will tell. And I'm away from home right now, so further
> testing will have to wait.

Fwiw, I use a Pi4 running Raspbian (or Raspberry Pi OS, as we are now
supposed to call it, but probably won't, as it's far too awkward) as
both my music server (ie, with LMS installed) and a NAS/fileserver (via 

I routinely stream video from it, either direct to PotPlayer on a laptop
or using BubbleUPnP to access miniDLNA on the Pi4 and then rendering it
via Chromecast, and have never had any significant problems doing so. (I
do use an old Win8.1 box to run BubbleUPnP Server for transcoding, but
it's generally not essential).

It can all sound rather daunting, especially if your tech background is
in something other than Linux — I know, because mine was (excepting a
few years, a couple of decades ago, dabbling with web stuff on Unix),
but I've managed to sort it all out and keep it ticking over.  And if I
can, most people should be able to :-)

Duet x 3, via various hi-fi. LMS on Raspberry Pi OS (Debian 10) on a
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