On Tuesday, January 20, 2004, at 03:51 PM, Mark Brownell wrote:

Messaging would be a great addition. Green room and wings is a great way to visualize it as well.

Dar wrote: "Green room and wings"

I was getting something like this:

put buzzOff(greenSlime, flapWings, 2233) into bird1

I never got into that, though I have seen code of those that do.

The image I was trying to convey was a stage metaphore:
On stage-- object is visible
In wings-- object is expected to become visible in a timely manner
In green room-- object might become visible, but slow response is OK

For example, if an object was near the window of visibility and might be quickly scrolled into it, then it would be "in wings". If it would take lots of scrolling or some hops to get to it, then it would be "in green room".

I probably butchered the terminology as those in theater might already see.

Dar Scott

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