On 8/26/04 11:58 PM, "Jay Madren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, I know you can select multiple entries, but it's not a easy, quick way
> to select a lot of entries.  In my example, to select all versions except
> the 2.5 ones, you have to individually select the 18 non-2.5 choices from
> the version popup.  I don't know of anyone who wants to sit there and do
> that.

> So what's needed is a feature like the one on bugzilla (which is really just
> a feature of popups/dropdowns in web forms), where you can shift-click to
> select a whole range of choices.  If that's not easy to do, then maybe a
> checkbox or button to invert the selection, e.g., select the 2.5 choices,
> then select invert which would "invert" or reverse the checkmarks on all
> entries in that field.

Let me think about that - how to best implement it. I'm leaning towards
something like option-click the popup and everything's selected - then
choose the items you want to remove from the popup.

> Another feature which would also help alleviate this tedious
> multiple-selection problem would be the ability to save search criteria.  So
> then I could just call up a saved search, maybe modify it a little, and run
> it.  Of course, this is a worthy feature on its own, no matter if you "fix"
> the multiple selection problem or not.

Nice suggestion! I'll add it to the feature list...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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