on Thu, 26 Aug 2004
Mark Greenberg wrote:

> I also have stacks written in
> HyperStudio if anyone is 
> interested in those.

Of course!! There are teachers in this list
that will be very interested.

Could you include links to HyperStudio players
for Windows and Mac?

> The New York Times featured me and this teaching
> approach in the 
> Circuit section last Thursday (front page).  That's
> me in the picture.

This is the direction for this article. You need to
make an account with the NYT to read the article.


The article mentioned that you had created
dozens of games: a role-playing card game called 
Magic: The Gathering that requires students to "dress"
historical figures with qualities that best fit their
names, a multimedia quiz on comma placement or the 
multiplication of polynomials, fill in blank speech 
balloons from Calvin and Hobbes comic strips and
Jeopardy-like games to train students for the Academic
Decathlon, a student contest.

Will you upload these games too? ;-)

Internet access in the classroom has become a
mixed blessing.

In the lab, i asked for a master switch to turn off
the internet access. Chat has become a big time sink
in the classroom!

Keep up your good work, Mark! :-)


PS: By the way, Did someone else notice the way that 
this message become merged with next mail in the
digest? This has happen before. Where is the problem?

> The New York Times featured me and this teaching
> approach in the 
> Circuit section last Thursday (front page).  That's
> me in the picture.From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thu Aug
> 26 21:11:50 2004
> Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Received: from mail1.atl.registeredsite.com

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