On 8/27/04 6:00 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

Before I log this to Bugzilla, I just want to check and see if anyone else
sees this with the RC1 build - double-click on the Revolution Player and it
will get to a point where it says "Preparing..." and then it freezes (I'm on
OS X 10.3.4). If I force quit, there's a file left behind called "Revolution

Anyone else see this?

I've just entered bug #2086. I think removing the word "Preparing" won't cause too many glitches this late in the game, and would be enough to prevent users from thinking the app has hung. My other suggestion -- to ask for a stack to open -- could be postponed till a later version.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
use-revolution mailing list

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