Working on it... the Realsoft room has been updated:

You can already see some projects:
- the old VSL (c)rust tutorial which has to be updated
- soap bubbles with animated material and simulated movement (see animation on youtube) - the dirty thing on the floor: a landscape, an island with layered rock material and volumetric lighting - five Platonic bodies (tetrahedron, cude, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron), a buckyball and a display cupboard (vitrine, English??)
- an antique chair

Next step is to clean up the projects before making them available (including textures), and update/write some tutorials.

Planned, some of it already imported into the room:
- the cellar ceiling and pillars (still has to be arranged properly) and hey why not the cellar floor procedural material - aluminium ladder, maybe with ivy (including a tut about the ivy - ahh, I forgot all about that!)
- another landscape
- banana, pineapple, kiwi, orange, bowl
- wooden Expo table with procedural wood

Check it out, let me know if you have any interesting projects to give away! I hope I didnt make that room too big ;)

Mark H

PS: I'm thinking of setting up a forum dedicated to RS3d and the site, I'm checking out how that works... the room is just an appetizer, it would be impossible to maintain the fully rendered 3d part daily.
Phpbb3 will probably be my choice, any tips?

That's nice to hear!

The cellar ceiling was made with Boolean cylinders, I'll put an example project in the RS room. The edges are unrealistically razor sharp but it's good enough for me, long live booleans!

-Mark H

BTW, the painting in the cellar is truly excellent! (Go have a look, everyone!)

My brother lives in south Italy. He'd be very impressed by the 'star ceilings' you modelled. (For a long time he was trying to figure out how they were created - I was able to explain it to him by showing him a 3D rendering in RS3D.)

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