I'm excited to announce that the Giraph PMC has voted Alessandro Presta in as a committer and that he has accepted our offer. Alessandro has been very active in the Giraph community, here is a list of some of his great contributions.

GIRAPH-276: Fix broken tests in pseudo-distributed mode.
(Alessandro Presta via jghoman)
GIRAPH-244: Vertex API redesign (apresta via aching).
GIRAPH-224: Netty server-side combiner (apresta via aching).
GIRAPH-242: HashMapVertex stores neighbor ids twice. (Alessandro Presta via hyunsik)
GIRAPH-239: IntIntNullIntVertex doesn't save halted state (apresta
via aching)
GIRAPH-238: BasicVertex should have default Writable implementation
(apresta via aching)
GIRAPH-221: Make iteration over edges more explicit (apresta via aching).
GIRAPH-220: Default implementation of BasicVertex#sendMsgToAllEdges().
(Alessandro Presta via jghoman)

In the spirit of having him commit his first piece of code, please take a look at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GIRAPH-290 .

Welcome Alessandro and happy Giraphing!

Avery Ching

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