Giraph does not support multipartite graph in a natural way. But you can
try to model your different sets through the vertexvalue. You can then
propagate it (by composing with the ID?) to the neighbors, and obtain your

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 2:52 PM, David Koch <> wrote:

> Hello,
> In Giraph is it possible to have different node types in a graph and have
> a Map/Reduce only iterate over nodes of this type and their direct
> successors?
> If it sounds a bit cryptic here is something more about our use-case:
> We have different HBase tables which we want to "pseudo-join" in
> Map/Reduce computations. The node types I mentioned above correspond to the
> respective row-key types used in each of those tables, edges are generated
> by the fact that the KeyValues in each table can contain row-key values
> found in one of the other tables.
> The graph would describe these relations. In a Map/Reduce I then want to
> be able to iterate over all nodes of a given type while also having access
> to a node's successor nodes in the same Mapper instance or better yet the
> same map() call. One would then carry out additional Gets to retrieve the
> data from the tables thus doing a fairly crude join.
> The Graph is likely to change so it would be nice if it could be updated
> incrementally.
> Does all this sound like something that would be possible with Giraph?
> Thank you,
> /David

   Claudio Martella

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