Maria, I can help you with this if you are interested and have the
time. If you are busy, please let me know and I will update the site
docs with a variant of your tutorial. Thanks!

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Roman Shaposhnik <> wrote:
> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Maria Stylianou <> wrote:
>> Hello guys,
>> This semester I'm doing my master thesis using Giraph in a daily basis.
>> In my blog ( I wrote some posts about Giraph, some of
>> the new users may find them useful!
>> And maybe some of the experienced ones can give me feedback and correct any
>> mistakes :D
>> So far, I described:
>> 1. How to set up Giraph
>> 2. What to do next - after setting up Giraph
>> 3. How to run ShortestPaths
>> 4. How to run PageRank
> Good stuff! As a shameless plug, one more way
> to install Giraph is via Apache Bigtop. All it takes is
> hooking one of these files:
> to your yum/apt system and typing:
>    $ sudo yum install hadoop-conf-pseudo giraph
> In fact we're about to release Bigtop 0.6.0 with Hadoop
> and Giraph 1.0 -- so anybody's interested in helping us
> to test this stuff -- that would be really appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Roman.
> P.S. There's quite a few other platforms available as well:

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