> great, I need to get a review soon to get the patch in the codebase.
If I can help then let me know.
    Thanks again,

From: claudio.marte...@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 16:50:43 +0200
Subject: Re: FileNotFoundException: File 
_bsp/_defaultZkManagerDir/job_201308291126_0029/_zkServer does not exist.
To: user@giraph.apache.org

great, i need to get a review soon to get the patch in the codebase.

On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Ken Williams <zoo9...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi Claudio,
The patch worked !!  :-)
Just to be clear,        I am running Giraph (1.0.0), not git cloned.

         and hadoop 2.0.0-cdh4.1.1
I applied your patch and rebuilt the giraph source code with this command,      
                 mvn -Phadoop_2.0.0 clean compile package test install verify

           This built correctly, with no exceptions and no tests failed.   
I then ran the giraph example, which ran successfully with this command
[root@localhost giraph]# hadoop jar 
 alpha-jar-with-dependencies.jar  org.apache.giraph.GiraphRunner 
org.apache.giraph.examples.SimpleShortestPathsVertex  -vif 
org.apache.giraph.io.formats.JsonLongDoubleFloatDoubleVertexInputFormat  -vip 
/user/root/input/tiny_graph.txt   -of 
org.apache.giraph.io.formats.IdWithValueTextOutputFormat   -op 
/user/root/output/shortestpaths -w 1

I then deleted the output                hadoop fs -rm -R  
I then restarted my HBase daemons, and ran the giraph example again, and it 
worked successfully again,

no errors, no exceptions, no tasks failed, and output produced correctly.
Using 'netstat -an | grep 22181' I can see that ZooKeeper is listening on port 

     Thank you very much for your help  :-)

    Claudio Martella

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