I encountered the same problem. When the worker's number is set to 1, no
problem. But, when the worker's number is set to 3, the problem occurs.

On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 3:14 AM, Júlio Pires <juliocspi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> When running in pseudo-distributed mode, I can successfully test the
> examples.
> However, when running with the distributed scenario (Shortest Path), I
> can't an answer for the example.
> Using the command hadoop fs -cat FOLDER/FILE/ * only appears a folder
> named  "_logs".
> Scenario:
> - Master is a physical machine (RAM: 8GB), Slave is a virtual machine
> (RAM: 2GB).
> Questions:
> 1) What files are needed to modify in a distributed scenario? (hadoop
> master / slave are ok).
> 2) It's necessary using the Zookeeper? If yes, what are the properties
> should I include?
> 3) Some setting specifies the Giraph-site.xml?
> 4) Is there another relevant configuration?
> Thank you!

Yun Peng

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