AFAIK, you need to specify hadoop.version system property. So command
to build giraph with YARN (2.0.5) should be something like following.

mvn -Phadoop_yarn -Dhadoop.version=2.0.5-alpha clean install

Hope this helps.


On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 9:04 PM, Matthew Laird <> wrote:
> Further, I let it go and after two hours I see the file:
> /giraph-core/target/munged/main/org/apache/giraph/yarn/
> is now 295GB in size.  I'm not sure what it's stuck doing after applying
> this patch...
> Thanks.
> On 06/10/13 16:13, Matthew Laird wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to build giraph against Hadoop 2.0.5, and I've been browsing
>> the mailing list archives but am still having an issue. I found the previous
>> thread where Eli points to
>> I've grabbed the patch and applied it against a clone from git
>> (, is that the correct
>> place to get the latest trunk?)  Just like the other fellow asking a few
>> months ago, patch complains the patch has been applied before.
>> Once applied I run the suggested build command:
>> mvn -U -Phadoop_yarn clean install
>> It reaches
>> [INFO] --- munge-maven-plugin:1.0:munge (munge) @ giraph-core ---
>> And so far it's been sitting there about 20 minutes at this step, in
>> another window I can see it's working hard doing something, but I'm assuming
>> it's stuck doing... I'm not sure what.
>> Without the patch I receive the same error the other fellow was having
>> about dependancies for hadoop not being satisfied.
>> Any advice on what might be going on, or is there a better place to get a
>> snapshot that has the needed patches applied? (I see a lot of commits since
>> the original thread)
>> Thanks!

Milinda Pathirage

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