Sadly not yet, and its my fault! There aren't a ton of advantages to the
pure YARN implementation yet because we haven't shifted some of the
less-ideal MRv1 Giraph functionality or roles into YARN-based tasks of
their own yet.

This is for two reasons: one, most of the development around Giraph for the
last 6 months are so is by folks who run and test on MRv1 based versions of

Another reason is that some of the refactoring that our YARN profile allows
would not be directly compatible with the MRv1 implementation, so we're
still deciding how to go about pushing some of that functionality out of
the workers or master nodes and into their own discrete tasks on the
cluster without breaking our MRv1 profiles and/or duplicating code.
Certainly not insurmountable problems, but no one has been logging the
hours or initiating the discussions to make it happen yet. Again, I'm sure
I am partially (or more!) at fault here.

But. There are some tickets up, and anyone interested is welcome to throw
some ideas and some patches up, I'd like to see us get going on this soon.
Response to the idea at Hadoop Summit last summer was quite positive, and
I'm speaking again about this stuff soon at Qcon, I'd love to see us move
forward on the YARN front.

On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Alok Kumbhare <> wrote:

> Thank you all for such detailed responses. I guess moving to YARN will
> help us out with some of these issues. Is there a document that enumerates
> YARN specific optimization/advantages and how to take advantage of those.
> Thanks,
> Alok
> On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Eli Reisman <>wrote:
>> Actually, the data locality is a bit different in Giraph. What happens is
>> that when running the non-YARN Giraph profiles, your workers are
>> distributed by the Hadoop framework anywhere on the cluster, but once the
>> Giraph workers launch, they attempt to claim an Input Split of the total
>> input data (which has blocks spread all over the cluster presumably) using
>> Apache Zookeeper.
>> At this point, the worker must load whichever blocks the map to the input
>> split the worker claimed. These could potentially be located anywhere on
>> the cluster. At this point, the Giraph worker attempts to find some of the
>> blocks it claimed on the node it happened to be started on. In this lucky
>> situation, it will load those blocks locally. All other data for the input
>> split will be pulled across the network from other nodes where the blocks
>> reside.
>> In practice, this form of data locality is more limited than MapReduce
>> locality, but does reduce the input stage running time of Giraph jobs in
>> many cases. In cases where there is not much input data or few job workers
>> relative to the cluster size, this locality scheme is not very effective.
>> One assumes the data input stage would be short due to the small scale of
>> the job in these cases.
>> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 11:31 PM, Marco Aurelio Barbosa Fagnani Lotz <
>>> wrote:
>>>  Hello Alok,
>>>  about the question 3.a, i guess the framework will indeed try to
>>> allocate the local workers.
>>> Each worker is actually a map only task. Due to the behaviour of the
>>> Hadoop framework, it will aim for data locality. Therefore, the framework
>>> will try to run the map tasks (and thus the workers) in nodes that have
>>> local blocks.
>>>  Best regards,
>>> Marco Aurelio Lotz
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 17 Sep 2013, at 18:19, "" <> wrote:
>>>   Hi,
>>> We have a moderately sized data set (~20M vertices, ~45M edges).
>>>  We are running several basic algorithms e.g connected components,
>>> single source shortest paths, page rank etc. The setup includes 12 nodes
>>> with 8 core, 16GB ram each. We allow max three mappers per node (-Xmx5G)
>>> and run upto 24 giraph workers for the experiments. We are using the trunk
>>> version, pulled on 9/2 from the github on hadoop 1.2.1. We use HDFS data
>>> store (the file is ~980 MB, with 64MB block size, we get around 15 HDFS
>>> blocks)
>>>  Input data is in an adjacency list, json format. We use the built in
>>> as
>>> the input format.
>>>  Given this setup, we have a few questions and appreciate any help to
>>> optimize the execution:
>>>    1. We observed that the dataset contains most of the vertices (>90%)
>>>    with out degree < 20, and some have between 20-1000. However there a few
>>>    vertices (<0.5%) with a very high out degree (>100,000).
>>>     1. Due to this, most of the workers load data fairly quickly
>>>       (~20-30secs), however a couple of workers take a much longer time
>>>       (~800secs) to complete just the data input step. Is there a way to 
>>> handle
>>>       such vertices? Or do you suggest using any other input format?
>>>        2. Another question we have is if, in general, there is a guide
>>>    for choosing various optimization parameters?
>>>       1. e.g. number of input/compute/output threads
>>>        3. Data Locality and in memory messages:
>>>     1. Is there any data locality attempt while running worker?
>>>       Basically, out of 12 nodes, if the HDFS blocks for a file are stored 
>>> only
>>>       on say 8 nodes and I run 8 workers, is it guaranteed that the workers 
>>> will
>>>       run on those 8 nodes?
>>>       2. Also, if the vertices are located on the same worker, do we
>>>       have in memory message transfer between those vertices.
>>>        4. Partitioning: We wish to study the effect of different
>>>    partitioning schemes on the runtime.
>>>     1. Is there a Partitioner we can use that will try to collocate
>>>       neighboring vertices on the same worker while balancing different
>>>       partitions? (Basically a METIS Partitioner)
>>>       2. If we do pre-processing of the data file and store neighboring
>>>       vertices close to each other in the file, implying different HDFS 
>>> blocks
>>>       will approximately contain neighboring vertices, and use the default 
>>> giaph
>>>       partitioner, will that help?
>>>  I know this is a long mail, and we truly appreciate your help.
>>>  Thanks,
>>> Alok
>>>  Sent from Windows Mail

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